Warhammer Monthly No More... Say Hello to Warhammer Comic!)
It's just been officially announced on the Black Library website that Warhammer Monthly has a title and frequency change from issue 85. Nothing too major, as it's now going to be called Warhammer Comic, with the omission of the 'monthly' due to it being bi-monthly and only six issues a year (rather than the 13 issues that they have been regularly breaking their backs to print).
Christian, the editor, let me know this last week after I chased up regarding a number of submissions that he's had hold of the past month or so. This is a bit of bugger, as he has now been prevented from commissioning any new comic strip material for the foreseeable future, or at least until the inventory is used up (astoundingly, there is apparently enough material to take WC through to 2007).
From a purely selfish viewpoint, this is a shame, as I've really enjoyed writing the self-contained one-off comic strips for them, and I was really hoping to at least get a series in print within the next year or so. There's always prose fiction for Inferno! magazine though, so it's not as if the door has completely closed.
I've got two strips that have been completed that have yet to see print: The Bad, The Warped and The Insane, drawn by Mike Collins (which I think is going to be in issue 43 of Inferno! mag). And then my final Tales From The Ten-Tailed Cat - 'The Reikmarshall's Tale', which is going to be drawn by Tom Carney. No scheduled date for the latter which, fittingly, is the one I enjoyed writing the most, but it looks like it could a good year away.
Flak Jacket
The online journal of UK comic book writer and media journalist Stu Taylor. Email him: stoonami@yahoo.co.uk
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