Sunday, May 23, 2004

Tau you doin'?
Just completed a prose synopsis that I've email pitched to Christian over on Inferno! magazine. The Hearts of Darkness/Apocalypse Now influence is fairly obvious, but with the absence of any drug references or stripping Playboy Bunnies. And that's only because I'm assuming that they are in short supply in the 41st Millenia.

The pitch focuses on the Tau, a pioneering race of aliens who believe everyone should follow their lead for what they deem as the 'greater good'. There is plenty of scope with these guys, as not so much has been written about them in comparison to the other races in the Warhammer 40K universe. But ironically, I've found them a little hard to get my head around. Guess I'll just have to wait and see what Christian thinks about this pitch and the other Tau one that I sent a couple of weeks ago before I'll know if I'm on the right track.

It's interesting that Games Workshop chose to feature the Tau in their PlayStation2 debut 'Fire Warrior' last year, instead of the Space Marines. Wouldn't mind playing the game, but I've only got an Xbox and Cube. And I'm not going to buy a PS2 on point of principle (being; it's not a particular good machine compared to my beloved Xbox, and there are hardly any games exclusive on PS2 to justify the expense).

Right, better start winding down and see if I can get to watch Alias tonight...


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