Monday, May 24, 2004

Alan Davis Is Still The Dogs!

Uncanny X-Men #447 Posted by Hello

It's a guilty pleasure, but I'm more jazzed about Uncanny X-Men than Joss Whedon's forthcoming Astonishing title. Although I am looking forward to that too. It's just that I have fond memories of reading Alan Moore and Alan Davis's run on Captain Britain the first time around - the whole Jaspers Warp/Fury thing was mind-blowing. (even if my 10 year-old self didn't appreciate the finer points of the trippy surrealism)


At 9:43 pm, Blogger PJ Holden said...

I love Cap Britain as much as the next man, but come on - do we really need to rehash the fury, et al? (I know - let's rename "fascination", cor, what are we gonna call her? howsabout "scatterbrain" - uuhhhhhh)

At 7:53 am, Blogger Stoonami said...

Fair comment, PJ. There's no way that this story will be on the same level as the original Cap B run. The only way it will get close to capturing the intensity and sheer "how the **** do we stop this thing!?" of The Fury is if at least a few of the X-Men are killed. But somehow I can't see the licensees going for that.

Still, at least it will look nice!


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