Tuesday, August 24, 2004

August Update
So, you're looking well. How's things? Been a while since I posted... as in a month... so an update's probably in order (since I don't have time/can't be arsed to provide anything more).

A six-page Hulk script has been commissioned and completed for Panini UK's new boys title called Rampage! that's hitting the shelves around October (I think the strip's in the first issue).

The Zombie Hitler pitch for 2000AD's Past Imperfect series of shorts has been rejected as it stands, but the Editor has made some key suggestions that could serve as a lifeline - will need to schedule time to rework it.

The development of the 2000AD novel for Black Flame has been a mixed bag. The initial pitch was well received, but there was a certain degree of concern following the submission of my sample chapter. My lack of experience regarding novel writing showed through and it was agreed to pair me up with a more seasoned author. After a series of email conversations, a second draft of the chapter was then submitted. But that was a month ago, and no response has been forthcoming. No news is good news?

'Nanas & Custard is still going strong. PJ has done some crackin' work on the one-page spoofs, with my favourite being the Bog Roll Boy tale. Currently on sale is the Dr. Devious Takes A Holiday episode (in Toxic boys mag, on sale in WHSmiths and Tescos now!)

According to his Blog, PJ has started work on Broken Claw and it sounds like he's enjoying it! I'm looking forward to seeing what he comes up with. As soon as the short is completed, I'll dedicate some time lettering it up as professionally as possible and submit it to a few publishers to see if anyone's interested.

Finally, the main piece of work that's occupying me is the development of a new UK magazine called Neo. It's essentially a guide to all things Japanese - specifically Anime, Manga and Asian cult cinema (with J-Pop and Japanese inspired videogames thrown in for good measure).

I was in London last Wednesday interviewing a voice actress from Texas, who came over for an Anime convention in Leicester (the biggest Anime con in the UK so far apparently). Today was spent writing Word templates for the reviews sections of the magazine, and doing another draft of the flatplan for the first issue. In London again tomorrow to meet and greet two of the big Anime distributors in the UK, before heading over to catch up with Matt, editor of Toxic, to talk comics and stuff.

Could also be going to Tokyo on a PR jaunt at the end of September for the Tokyo Games Show. Now that would be chuffin' cool!


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